Apr 01, 2018 · This just provides an Update preference button that takes you to the Firefox Data collections and use part to seek your approval in order to improve the service of Firefox. about:support Display troubleshooting information which can also access through the Firefox menu > Help > Troubleshooting Information.

The search is your best friend. Just start typing a preference name and Firefox will automatically filter the list so that only matching results remain. You can change preference values with a double-click, and create new preferences with a right-click and the selection of new from the context menu. In Firefox this is generally a preference. There are then several mechanism we can use to turn this flag on to enable the feature off-train, Normandy pref rollout is a simple, safe, and featureful way. Check list. If you want to make a change to Firefox via preference rollout, here are the things you must do. Dec 23, 2018 · The ImportEnterpriseRoots key will cause Firefox to trust root certificates that are in the system certificate store as long as the key is set to “true”. We recommend this option to add trust for a private PKI to Firefox. It is equivalent to setting the "security.enterprise_roots.enabled" preference as described in the next section. Jul 19, 2016 · Preference settings, both user-specified and default values, are displayed in the about:config window while Firefox or SeaMonkey is running (in Thunderbird you have to invoke the Config Editor from the Advanced preferences), Settings shown here are updated as you change them in the browser. I use Selenium Marrionette and GeckoDriver to pull web data. I use the following to set my Firefox profile preferences: fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() fp.set_preference("browser.download.folderLi Feb 11, 2013 · Firefox and other Mozilla applications include preference settings that you can change in different ways, such as in the Options/Preferences dialogs, by editing configuration via about:config or, if you are an advanced user, with a user.js file.

Jul 07, 2020 · The intent was to get it out behind a preference so that we could use it internally for better high contrast support in Firefox and to give authors a chance to experiment with it. Hopefully the intent-to-prototype email linked below helps to clear some of that up.

Apr 01, 2018 · This just provides an Update preference button that takes you to the Firefox Data collections and use part to seek your approval in order to improve the service of Firefox. about:support Display troubleshooting information which can also access through the Firefox menu > Help > Troubleshooting Information.

I want to verify file download using Selenium WebDriver and Java. The file to download is of PDF format. When WebDriver clicks on "Download" link in the AUT, Firefox opens up the following download confirmation window: I want Firefox to download the file automatically without showing above confirmation window, so I used the below code: Jul 16, 2015 · What most Firefox don't know is that it is possible to delete preferences, albeit indirectly. To remove unused preferences from Firefox, right-click on them and select reset from the context menu. Once you are done resetting all preferences that are not used anymore, restart the browser.