DD-WRT runing dhcp on modem ---> pfsense ---> switch ---> dd-wrt. The problem is the limiter rules don't apply on traffic that is on DD-WRT router and passing the limit of 10MB. What i basically want to do is DD WRT as separate network and clients on that network wont be able to see or access clients on the main

Solved: Guest WIFI by connecting Linksys WRT54GS (v6) to A So, was wondering how do I connect WRT54GS (v6) to my Verizon ActionTec rounter to let guest access wifi without me providing me the main wifi passwd ? My WRT54GS (v6) is NOT running any DD-WRT or OpenWRT f/w but is running original LinkSys f/w (1.52.8). I want to know following: How to Give Guests Access to Your Wi-Fi Without Exposing Things like network printers, NAS drives, shared files, and other sensitive network information won’t be available from the guest access point. You’re essentially giving people internet access DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Help with limiting guest

Hi, I am using a router with dd-wrt and openvpn over SSL or SSH and each time I was downloading something it would be really slow. For example, downloading the latest ubuntu 14.04 which is around 1Gb would take-- 4 hours if I double connect, meaning my router is connected to 1 airvpn router and m

Set Up Multiple SSIDs and VLANs on a DD-WRT Router DD-WRT is arguably the most popular firmware replacement or upgrade for select wireless routers. Eric Geier walks you through creating a second SSID, segregating it from the main SSID, making two of the LAN ports on the back of the router connect to just the new SSID, and leaving the other two LAN ports connected to the main SSID. Adding guest network | MyOpenRouter I have followed Kong's latest guide to setting up a guest network and have no problems setting it up. I've set up guest network on older versions of DD-WRT without

Mar 10, 2019 · Isolating Guest Network Access. If you have a D-Link wireless router, be sure that the Enable Routing Between Zones option is not checked. This will prevent access by a guest network client, onto your main network. If you have an Asus wireless router, be sure that the Access Intranet option is set to Disable. This will prevent access by a guest

Jul 18, 2016 How to Enable a Guest Access Point on Your Wireless Network Jul 12, 2017 Creating a Private + Guest WiFi Access Point (DD-WRT In section 3, step 3, to “assign the IP address range for the new guest network”, the build in use (DD-WRT v3.0-r29134 big (02/19/16)) shows MAC addresses for the bridges. For the IP to ‘stick’, I had to change the MAC address for br1 to be different than br0, then the IP/Netmask saved. DD-WRT