Nov 21, 2019

Nov 13, 2019 Right to access the Internet: the countries and the laws The right was proclaimed via an amendment in the Communications Market Act, which stated that universal service also included a functional Internet connection. This meant that as from the beginning of July 2010, the telecom operators that are ‘defined as universal service providers must be able to provide every permanent residence and Finland makes broadband a 'legal right' - BBC News Jul 01, 2010 COVID-19 exposes why access to the internet is a human right

The internet as a human right - Brookings

Human Rights | Internet Society

Nov 14, 2019

Sep 06, 2016 Guarantee Internet rights - The Hindu Dec 31, 2019 Is the Internet a Human Right? Essay - 3038 Words Internet Access, a “Human Right” or Essential Facility?By: Kolubahzizi T. Howard Director of Strategy, Liberia Telecommunications Authority Introduction “Human rights” proponents believe all individuals have entitlements by virtue of being human.These “entitlements” exist as either shared norms justified by moral rationalization; natural rights supported by strong reasons; or legal Human Rights and IoT: The Right to Fair and Decent Work