A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records for a domain; a DNS name server responds with answers to queries against its database. The most common types of records stored in the DNS database are for Start of Authority ( SOA ), IP addresses ( A and AAAA ), SMTP mail exchangers (MX), name servers (NS), pointers for reverse DNS

May 08, 2020 · A DNS server is a computer used to resolve hostnames to IP addresses. For example, a DNS server translates lifewire.com to BIND (/ ˈ b aɪ n d /, or named (pronounced name-dee: / ˈ n eɪ m d iː /, short for name daemon), is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet.It performs both of the main DNS server roles, acting as an authoritative name server for domains, and acting as a recursive resolver in the network. Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver product from NLnet Labs.It is distributed free of charge in open-source form under the BSD license. A implementação do Servidor de DNS Microsoft se tornou parte do sistema operacional Windows NT na versão Server 4.0. O DNS passou a ser o serviço de resolução de nomes padrão a partir do Windows 2000 Server como a maioria das implementações de DNS teve suas raízes nas RFCs 882 e 883, e foi atualizado nas RFCs 1034 e 1035. A Resource Records) zum DNS-Server von Rechner X. Nun fragt der DNS-Server von Rechner X einen der Nameserver für „org.“-Domains nach „de.wikipedia.org.“. Der „org.“-Nameserver sendet ihm die Namen der Nameserver (und deren IP-Adressen, sofern sie zur selben Top-Level-Domain gehören) für die Zone „wikipedia.org.“.

BIND (/ ˈ b aɪ n d /, or named (pronounced name-dee: / ˈ n eɪ m d iː /, short for name daemon), is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet.It performs both of the main DNS server roles, acting as an authoritative name server for domains, and acting as a recursive resolver in the network.

May 08, 2020 · A DNS server is a computer used to resolve hostnames to IP addresses. For example, a DNS server translates lifewire.com to BIND (/ ˈ b aɪ n d /, or named (pronounced name-dee: / ˈ n eɪ m d iː /, short for name daemon), is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet.It performs both of the main DNS server roles, acting as an authoritative name server for domains, and acting as a recursive resolver in the network. Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver product from NLnet Labs.It is distributed free of charge in open-source form under the BSD license.

Root Server: A root server is part of the supporting infrastructure of the Internet, and facilitates Internet use by acting as the backbone of online access. Root servers are an essential part of the domain name system (DNS). They publish root zone file contents, which are responsible for DNS functionality, to the Internet. DNS associates

DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) Il servizio DNS alla base dei servizi di directory Microsoft incluso nelle versioni server da Windows 2000 in poi. Il DNS utilizza il protocollo di trasporto UDP e la porta 53 per soddisfare le richieste di risoluzione provenienti dagli host.