Solaris 命令 小结_Solaris_操作系统_脚本之家

ip - Delete Static Routes on Solaris 10 - Unix & Linux 2020-5-21 · For the Solaris route command, the delete, and add, sub-commands have the following syntax: route [ -fnvq ] cmd destination gateway [metric/netmask] So you probably have more success with: route delete -netmask Or to remove it permanently (as commented by @Alexandre Alves; assuming this was a permanent route): route add : network is unreachable 2011-9-13 · Please , I have a problem I have add a statis route on Solaris 10, but after this, the network interface of Server was Offline. The system is in cluster mode (3.2) route add -net -netmask ------------------- lo0:

[Feb 18, 2011] Setting Persistent Static Routes on Solaris 10 by Justin Ellison 04/20/2009 | SysAdmin's Journey. It used to be that in order to add persistent static routes in Solaris, you had to whip up your own init script that manually ran 'route add'. Starting back in Solaris 10 …

rhpweb01:/$ route add host add host gateway Network is unreachable Please note tried all combination of giving netmask etc. P.S. This thread has been moved from HP-UX > System Administration to HP-UX > networking. - Hp Forum Moderator Trying to add host route via specific interface in Solaris 10 2020-5-8 · is my backup server; is the gateway for the local subnet; This did not work. If I try to ping the backup server from the host, snooping on both interfaces shows that packets never even go out. I just get ICMP unreachable. On the suggestion of a coworker, I also tried this variation: route add -ifp e1000g1 ZZ: Solaris下route add 如何增加永久路由 …

solaris下面查看route信息 -千门有公子-51CTO博客

Setting Persistent Static Routes on Solaris 10 - SysAdmin 2009-4-20 · It used to be that in order to add persistent static routes in Solaris, you had to whip up your own init script that manually ran ‘route add’. Starting back in Solaris 10 11/06, Sun finally gave us a better way to do it. From the route(1M) man page: solaris配置IP地址过程 - jdonson - 博客园 2011-4-28 Beginners Guide to Solaris 11 Network Administration – The You use the route command to manually manipulate the network routing tables. The use of the –p option with the route command makes the changes persistent across reboots. You cannot manage routes by using the /etc/defaultrouter file because it is deprecated in Oracle Solaris 11. 1. Add a persistent route … networking - Solaris 10 - changing default gateway and