This secure instant messenger makes use of a high level encryption and various security measure. The secure instant messenger has a controlled communication management system, strong authentication, multiple encryption layers with the use of various cryptographic algorithms and has a secure key-management system.

Secure Instant Messenger HCN lets you see right away whether “the Dr. is in”… or anyone else on your team for that matter and chat instantly with them. Team members may quickly and easily consult with each other regarding a case, patient, billing matter or anything else. Yahoo Messenger for the Web and the current downloadable Yahoo Messenger uses SSL to protect the user's password during authentication. [Ed. Note: SSL is Secure Sockets Layer , also known as In addition to the secure messenger, Dust also packs in a privacy watchdog feature and a stealth search tool for maintaining privacy while searching the web. Get instant access to breaking Get all your messaging needs in one place, on your device of choice with BBMe. It offers secure communication on any device, including smartphones and desktops 1.. BBMe is the ideal communications platform for working professionals, with its end-to-end encryption on multiple endpoints, robust privacy policies and enterprise-grade features. Wire offers the most comprehensive collaboration suite featuring messenger, voice, video, conference calls, file-sharing, and external collaboration – all protected by the most secure end-to-end-encryption.

secure instant messenger free download. Telegram for Android Telegram is a wonderful and private messaging app that offers simple, fast, secure and synced messag

Nov 05, 2014 · Only 6 Messaging Apps Are Truly Secure. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation's secure messaging scorecard, most big-name services fail the test.

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The secure instant messenger offers highly secure communication functionalities for emergency services. The secure instant messenger is especially designed for security in combination with an user-friendly interface. It’s developed for governmental and emergency services usage with strict security requirements in mission critical environments.