Apr 16, 2018 · The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Propertiesdialog box appears. Continue with the steps in one of the following two sections, depending on your circumstances. How to Automatically Obtain an IP Address Follow these steps to configure the computer to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. Note that you must have a DHCP server.

How To Change IP Address in Windows 10: A Visual Guide How to change IP address in Windows 10 On the taskbar of your computer, right click on the internet icon and click on “ Open Network and Sharing Center” In the Network and Sharing center, click on how to change my ip address - Microsoft Community Apr 16, 2018 How To Change IP Address on Android (Local and Public) 2. Here tap and hold on the network you are connected to and select “Manage network settings” from the menu that pops up.. 3. Now tap on “Show advanced options” and select “Static” under the “IP settings” option.. 4. Now just enter a custom IP address (range provided below) under the “IP address” section and hit “Save” to change the IP address.

Change IP Address. There are multiple ways to change IP Address and you can use any of the following methods to change your public IP Address. 1. Change IP Address by Unplugging the Router. The easiest way to change IP Address would be to simply unplug the Router from its Power Supply, wait for 5 minutes and then Restart the Router by plugging

Any way to change Public IP address on AT&T | AT&T

How To Change IP Address on Android (Local and Public)

the 124 IP is your external IP (which is odd because the IP you posted from does not end in 124, I guess you posted from somewhere else) you can't change your external IP by doing the ipconfig/release or renew command, at best that will change your local IP. please read the articles linked in my signature below, that might shed some light for you How to set a static IP address on Windows 10 • Pureinfotech May 11, 2020 How to Change Your IP Address on an Android Phone Jul 14, 2020